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Ready, Set, Move Classroom Activity Set encourages students to get up
and move with fun exercises while also addressing colors, numbers and
following directions. Use the mats and cubes together or separately for
a variety of activities.
• 25 Colorful circle mats (10")
• One color cube
• One exercise cube
• One number cube
Exercise Cubes
Jumping Jacks: Hands go up as feet are spread apart; hands
go down as feet are closed. Repeat.
Squats: Start with your arms in front of you and bend at the
knees as if sitting in a chair. Stand up to complete.
Toe Touches: With your feet together, bend at the waist and
try to touch your toes. You can also start with your legs and
arms apart. Touch your left foot with your right arm and
then alternate.
Running in Place: Move your arms and legs and run in place.
Arm Circles: Raise your arms to your sides and move them in
slow circles, either forward or backward.
Hop: With your feet close together, take little jumps forward,
or hop on one foot.
Note: To avoid injury, please practice these exercises with the students
before starting an activity to ensure that they are done correctly. Adjust
or eliminate exercises to meet the needs of your individual students.
Ready, Set, Move
Whole class or small group
Take some time for some exercise!
1. Spread the mats around the room and have each student choose
a mat to stand on. Make sure at least one of every color mat
is used.
2. Roll all three cubes and call out what is rolled. Have students follow
the directions on the cubes. For example, if you roll jumping jacks,
3, and red, then everyone on a red mat will do three jumping jacks.
3. If you roll the side of the color cube with all colors, then it is an ALL
PLAY and all players do the exercise.
Alternate Versions of Play:
• Only use the exercise and number cubes and have the whole class
or small group do all exercises.
• Only use the exercise and color cubes and call out any number you
want. Most exercise sets are about 10 –15 repetitions.
Ready, Set, Move
Small group
Practice simple addition facts! You will only use the color and number
cubes for this activity.
1. Spread one mat of each color around the room and have each
student choose a mat to stand on.
2. Have one student call out any number.
3. Roll the number cube. Add this number to the number that was
called out. The teacher may want to announce the addition fact
that has been created.
4. All students should mentally compute the sum.
5. Roll the color cube. The student standing on the color that was
rolled announces their solution.
Alternate Version of Play:
• Play the same activity listed above, adapting for subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
Ready, Set, Group
Whole class or small group
Use the mats to create flexible groups in a fun way!
1. Have each student roll the color cube and take the matching
color mat.
2. Tell students with the same color to form a group and start the
activity of your choosing.
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